Will my hot water be soft?  Will my cold water be soft?  Will my outside faucets be hard water?  Will my fridge have soft water?  What about drinking water?  What is going to be soft water and what is going to be hard water – that is the question!  Homeowners usually want to know these things so they can make an informed decision on just what water systems would best suit their needs and it’s one of the major reasons we prefer doing in-home, no obligation estimates.  Once we know just what we can and cannot do, then we know what promises we can make to a homeowner and in turn the homeowner knows exactly what to expect when they invest in a water softener from Royal Water Systems.

Here is the understanding that homeowners should have – When a home is plumbed for a water softener ALL the hot water and ALL the cold water in the home will be soft EXCEPT the kitchen cold water, the refrigerator and the outside faucets attached to the home.  It might be easier to understand if I say the kitchen cold water, the refrigerator and the outside faucets will be hard water, everything else both hot and cold water will be softened.

Many homes are pre-plumbed for a water softener in which case a homeowner never has or will pay to have a water softener installed by Royal Water Systems.  Some homes are not plumbed for a water softener, but the homeowner has an unfinished basement and it’s still pretty easy to install one in which case we still will charge nothing for installation.  Some homes are not plumbed for a water softener and it’s a lot of time and materials to get one installed in which case there is a fee for the plumbing and in some cases the only option we have is to install the water softener on the hot water side of the plumbing meaning NONE of the colds will be softened.

So what’s the story with your home?  If you don’t know then feel free to give us a call if you’re in the market for a water softener.  We would be more than happy to schedule you in for a free in-home estimate and let you know what your options are.  www.rwatersystems.com – 801-850-1839